Saturday, July 22, 2006

5 Year Anniversary in Cold Lake:

Well it has been 5 years since we have packed up our lives and moved here to Cold Lake, Alberta. To the right is a current photo of our place. It's not much but right now it's home. When we moved here Robbie worked for 4 years at AETE (Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment). Last summer 05' he was posted to 1 AMS at 4 Wing.

As for myself, I have had a few jobs. I first started at Walmart, then the 4 Wing All Ranks kitchen. Right now I am currently employed by the Northern Alberta Corps of Commissionaries (we work with the Military police Sqn) I have been with them for 2 years now and enjoy my job very much these days.

As for life in Cold Lake, it has been hard at times but for the most part good. We have had friends that were here before we got here and many more that keep moving into the area. Also all the new frinds that we have made since we have been here. It is that keeps life good and also the fact the Edmonton is only a three hour drive from here.

For those of you that don't know that 2 1/2 years ago we had a little addition to the family. He is 4 legged and been a great addition to our lives. His name is Rocco and I am hoping to get him a sister soon or later.

As for the future in Cold Lake. We are planning to be here for at least the next 6 years or so. Looking forward to many more years of good years here.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The 17 Hour Detour :

This is as you enter the Banff National Park. I took Robbie and Rocco on a "small" detour home to Cold Lake. Little did we know how long it would take to get there.

After leaving Moose Jaw and High River we had a small buffet on the front of our car for the wildlife to have a feast on. This was a very large creepy bird having a great feast off our car.

We got slightly lost on our way and were headed into B.C. After leaving Lake Lousie the road signs are not very well marked to go to Jasper.

Isn't this place pretty. This is a place called Baker Creek. ( ) it is very pretty there..thought about spending the night there but the rooms rates are from $215- $310 a night. As Robbie would say "If I could only win the lotto!" As we drove on though we found other nice places simliar but much cheaper ( ) just outside Jasper for $105- $380 per night. As for finding a place for the night it took us 17 hours and a place in Stoney Plaine's Ramada Inn ( 27kms west of Edmonton). Oh yeah if you have a dog PHONE AHEAD to make sure they take pets ( most places DON'T take pets)

I have learned a few things about photography from my Dad. That when you have a great digital camera, anything is possible. I am not as good at taking pictures of flowers as he is but I can crop them to make them look okay. As for our trip home it took is 2 very long days instead of 7 or so hours but you only live once so make the best of it. Have FUN doing it too!!

Mere & Kurt's Wedding
July 14th, 2006

To the right is Mere and Ella (Kurt's neice). Photos are taken in the park.

The happy couple Mere & Kurt

This is Robbie & I at the church just before the wedding. This is a very view of us in a photo together. This pic was taken by Ruby Dilsner.

Summer Holidays 2006:

Our summer holidays this year have not started out so well. To begin our trip, I was very sick with broncitis. We were hoping that it would turn out okay. To the right is a picture of us leaving Alberta and heading towards Moose Jaw. We are going in that direction again this year for the Meredith & Kurt's Wedding. After the wedding we are going to High River, Alberta to meet up with Robbie's mom and sisters. Donna has flown in from Australia for a short visit.
Memorial Carin of 1954's Moose Jaw Air Tragedy:

The above photo is Larry and Bill Hadwen. Their mother
Martha Hadwen was the only person to be killed on the ground
that fateful day on April 8th, 1954. When a CAF Harvard trainer
collided with a Trans-Canada Air-liner passenger plane. There
were 37 people killed on that day. Robbie and I were proud to
be apart of the day that celebrated the lives of these people.

You can go visit "Like a Falling Leaf" at to see more info about the Moose Jaw Air Crash 1954.