Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The World's Largest:

mushrooms in Vilna Ab.

Perogy in Glendon Ab.
Pumpkins in Smokey Lake Ab.

We went for a drive to Edmonton yesterday for a Wendy's burger and these are a few thing we stop to see on the way there. We also got to see the Harry Potter movie. It was awesome.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Exciting summer for Muffin:
This summer looks like it will be an exciting for Muffin. This past few weeks my sister and her family have been living in either hotels or at my parents place. They are having the movie "Finn on the Fly" being taped in their house. So they have moved eveything out of their house in to storage. They are being paid well for living away from home and she get her house made over. Muffin got to play with Winn Dixie as you can see in the photo to the left. I think Winn Dixie is in the movie as well. Not sure what the movie is about though will find out when it comes out I guess.