Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cinderella Cinderella
At beginning of play when she is carrying all shopping bags....
In her own little area on her own little chair....
falling in love with the prince......
in the royal garden.....
Cinderella and her fans (are they not sweet)
Good job Shea we are proud of you!!! Glad that we got
here to see you in the play
Sunrise in Cold Lake
in Oct

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Today Robbie spent part of his afternoon cleaning his car. He was taking out 5 yrs worth of stuff that he found in the cubby holes in the car.

Right now we have less than 24 hrs before we have to return the car to the dealership. Yes we are returning it. It has been fun leasing a fun car for the last 5 yrs. We still have my new car as you can see it in the back ground but it is not as much fun though.
So we are heading out to Edmonton tomorrow for Norden Autohaus ( ) to turn her in. Gracie is coming with us for the last ride.
sad so sad!!!!!! =(
Well the only good thing about this is we are starting a new chapter in our lives.
BYE BYE Bug-a-boo

Monday, October 15, 2007


This year we were invited to the Goodwin family dinner. A good time was had by all. Thanks to Alisha, Deb and all who made the great food. This is Charla, Gracie and Alisha (left to right)
This is Robbie and Gracie playing one of the longest game of checkers ever.
Thanks Goodwin family and friends for everything!!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Muffin's B'day:
Happy birthday Muffin. My Muffin turns 9 today. Where has the time gone. I love your new camera. You'll have to take lots of photos for auntie and blog them or send them to me by email. Miss you and love you. Hope that you have a great day

Monday, October 01, 2007

New Hang Out:

Well Dad these days you'd be proud of our new hang out joint. The last 3 weeks we have been going to A&W for breakfast every saturday and sunday mornings. Yes we are learning who are the ones that go there all the time too. As we tease you for going out there all the time. We are starting to be the croonies now too