Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rock Band
Well he finally got it and he's very happy now!
Thump Thump ThumpThump
it's driving me crazy but I know that he's happy
so I guess that all that counts eh!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Road trip to the Mnts:
This is where we stopped for a picnic supper with Robbie's Mom
It was very beautiful scenery
Robbie took this photo above...on the side of the highway
This is the most recent photo of our little family!

Visiting With Robbie's Mom

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Baby Kail's Blankie:
This photo above is the start of Kail's blankie from auntie.
It doesn't look like much and I wondered if it would turn out.
After spend a couple hours sewing it together and then
A couple of hours clipping it. My hands were very tired and sore.
Still not sure if it would turn out.

The above photo is the end result of the 2 hours of clipping shaking out

and washing. Turned out the way it was supposed too.

I liked making this one. It was easy!!

Ready to make another one soon.

This the close up of what it looks like...I use "Peter Rabbit" flannel