Monday, November 17, 2008

this is my 1st try at using
a macro x4 filter
yes its just a filter that you put on the lens
as I cannot afford to buy a macro lens
but it works really sweet

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This past week:
As everyone knows what happened in the US last week with the election. Things in the world amaze me. Well this is why i bring this up. As I cruise thru my friends blogs. I came across this quote. Thanks to Kristy this has been on my mind a lot and it makes me wonder what or where our futures will lead us. This is the quote:

Rosa sat so Martin could walk.
Martin walked so Obama could run.
Obama is running so our children CAN FLY.

It makes me think of all the possiblities in life....looking from where things were to where they are now. I think of what this new generation will achieve in their lives.... Muffin Marlee and Kail how they will be able to change this much more that I can do to help change this world....makes me want to do more starting by one small random act of kindness to some who needs help....anyone have more ideas of things to do???