Monday, January 22, 2007

Welcome to 2007:

Well the new year has started and a few things have changed here for us. To end 2006 I did it by quitting my job with the commissionaires. After many weeks of a very unpleasant work environment and the doc telling me to find something else was it for me. After talking things over with Robbie and hooking up with yet another job. I put my notice in for the 24th of Dec. to be my last night. That was a great stress now gone for me but still had time to put in before the end. The morning of the 24th we went home to MJ for Christmas. It was short but always a good time. Spent time with the family and friends that we have not seen in a very long time (Chopper and Kids and the Blash's).

On the 28th of Dec I went BACK TO WALMART. YES you read me right I went back to WALMART. I did though go back on my terms and wants for a job. Surprizing to me that they said yes. So Delpha you got me back enjoy. I am quite enjoying myself these days there with NO STRESSand a life back to myself. Since I have been back there I can now spend time with my friends and do crafts again. I even get to have supper almost every night with my boys now.

We had a games night here last weekend but ended up more as a "FUN"do (aka fondue)Night than anything else. It was a good time. Next time we are going to do a fajita (Mexican) night and will play games right Gracie?????

Anyway I also wanted to show you all the great Christmas gift I got from my mom. It took me a bit to hang it up. Just so you know mom. It inspired me to get out my sewing maching again a give it another chance at what I might be able to create. So you might get a quilter out me yet. Ahhhh don't hold your breath too long on that one though. I did though last night make 2 wheat bags for us too use and now Robbie won't give the one up ( the one for the heat) So it looks like i'll have to go make another one.

Since I have bored you all to death I'll let you look at mom's quilted hanging and enjoy

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