Thursday, May 31, 2007

New News:

Well things have changed here in the last little while. I am now back in Cold Lake for good. Which is good news for my boys. I am though on the night shift at Walmart. When I got back I thought that I was heading to Lloyd to help them. There was as change of plans higher up the food chain to what was to happen.

I have been given a promotion at work to "Support Manager".This job is like assistant manager but with out the big responsiblities and bs. This means that I have to do some night shift for the next few months but if that is what I have to do to move up in the world then so be it. It also means that I won't be heading back to St.Albert but hey I am going places.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Pink Ladies of St Albert Walmart:

Well things happen that are strange and funny at this store reno. All the while the hard work is being done we still have time to kick back and have fun too. Welcome to the pink ladies club of the St Albert Walmart.

Below is the start of the Pink Ladies. Right to left is the following: Diva Dar, Kickin Kim, Cool Chris and Me. This all started with a late night before shift shoping trip to walmart. The three of us girls ended up with the same shirts. Chris our assistant manager of the Reno team wanted to know where his shirt was too. Not thinking that he`d actually wear it we bought him one too. He did wear it all night long.

Cool Chris in his Pink Lady shirt
This is Diva Dar doing her diva pose

I am going to miss everyone there

These are a few more new friends:

Kathy from Wainwright
Nicole from Wainwirght
Nancy from Wainwright
Lisa from Wainwright

Sheila Sharron and Darla

Stacey from St. Albert
Randy is a contrator from St. Albert
Bush from Wainwright

Monday, May 14, 2007

One more Week :

Well one more week done here. Last weekend I stayed here for the weekend. The girls ( from work) and myself went to bingo. Michelle and I were the only ones there to start. We decided to share our possible winnings. I won for the 2nd time ever playing here in Alberta. I won on an earlybird game of $282. Not bad for a win. We split Michelle then on $50 and yet another $244. It was a good night for all of us. I guess at the end of the night we went to the VLTs since that is what they do if they win at bingo. So off we went. I put $20 in the machine of the money that I won. In the end I took out another $260 So I went home with $510.

I save the money for when Robbie can down for a doc's appointment on Thursday. I spent a few pennies on him for treats that he has wanted for sometime now. I got him memory for the home computer, a book on how to write songs for dummies, chocolate, wendy's meals and much more.

I went home for the weekend due to the fact that I had no room here in Edmonton for the weekend. It was good to be there. I think that I was due for a trip hometo relax and get away from here. I am getting tired of living in a hotel and being so far from home. While I was home I went in to the store.

The store here in Edmonton is so pleased with our work that they are trying to get us to stay till the end of the project. So they have been calling all our stores to find out if we all can stay. While at home Brad talked to me and let me know that on the 25 th of May that we will be done here in Ed. But only to find out that we are heading out to Llyodminister to work there for a few months. then possibly back here for a few months.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


These are finall pictures of some of my new friends that i have met in St. Albert at the Wallymart store.

Kim from Wainwright
Erlise from St. Al
Ryan from North Battleford
April from Yorkton
Darla and Catlin from Wainwright
Daniel from Wainwright

Michelle from St. Al
Debra and Dave f rom St. Al
Leo and Martin (managers) from St Al (AKA larry & Mo)
Robin (manager) from St.Al (AKA Curly no we didn't miss him)
Stephanie from St Al
These are a few of the fine people we have been spending our Reno project so far. It has been a good trip here for far this past 11 weeks
More pics to come later