Sunday, December 30, 2007

Robbie's Quilt:

this is the 4th quilt that I have made so far. he loves it
these are a few pannels that I had made for it

It was great fun making it. I love the fun bugs in it

Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Quilts:

While Robbie was away on his winter vacation I got busy with a few Christmas presents. The above quilt is #3 I have ever made so far. I made a tinkerbell crazy quilt for Muffin this year.
This one is for Marlee. This the 2nd quilt that I have ever made....turn out pretty good. I sent it to Mom to finish for me though. THANKS mom!!
Right now I'm busy making Robbie a crazy quilt I hope that it will be done in time for Christmas though.

Making Memories "Santa's Wishlist" Winner:

The last few weeks (or should I say months) have been very interesting. Talking with my family about what is happening with the Christmas season with gift giving. This year we are donating our presents to needy families in the world. World Vision is taking the donated money to buy a need family things like 2 chickens and a rooster to help a family get a step up in life. To make a better life for their family.
Well to make a long story short Making Memories Scrapbooking company( had put a contest out to all to let Santa know what we all want for the holidays. Here is my entry:
"Thanks MM for letting me put in a wish list for the holidays. As this year the home santa is not going to bring anything for myself. On account that I have asked him to NOT too. I have asked him to give my gifts to the needy families here in our town. I also missed my b'day gifts last months to send gifts to the Canadian Soldiers in Khandar for Xmas. I even asked my family to donate our gifts to World vision to help a family somewhere in the world get better start on WE got 2 chickens and a rooster for a family somewhere. But secretly I would love a little something.
But in all honesty I would really like a paper trimmer and every kind of paper i'm adicted to paper...rub-ons are great too.
thanks again for giving us the chance for a wishlist...MERRY Christmas to you ALL and a wish for the best year in 2008"
When I came home from a really tough night at work this past Friday morning. I found out that they picked my name from over 1000 people to have a "Santa's Wishlist" prize. This is what they sent me and arrived yesterday.
more paper
the paper trimmer
and of course rub-ons.
Thank you Making Memories for the wonderful gift at Christmas!!!
Have a wonderful and safe holiday season everyone


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Robbie's Winter Vacation 2007:

These past few weeks Robbie has been on a winter vacation up north in Inuvik. He went up with the MP section from 4 Wing. It made for a long time. This is his 1st trip away from Rocco. Who has been depressed since he left. Everyday at 4pm he would run to the front door looking for dad.

These are photos of what he saw while he was up north. He's not much for a winter outdoor guy so there are not a lot of photos from there. just ones from inside looking out.
Thsese are the guys loading the C-17 the Canadian forces new aircraft. Its a huge plane. I bet that the sound that comes that things doesnt make for a good sleep on the flight home
I am glad that they are home in time for the holidays. I was very worried that I'd be here by myself for the holidays. Welcome home boys!!!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas In Moose Jaw 2007
Well it looks like the Christmas season traditions are still being carried out. Ever since Muffin was little. She went with Grandma & Grandpa to pick out the tree at the tree farm. She got to see the reindeers and enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate.
Looks like this year she is getting to cut the tree down herself.
Pretty soon you'll have to start including Marlee in the
family tradition when she's big enough to go.
Looks like this year we will not be there for the holidays.
There will be no surprise trips home this year. I have to work over the holidays as I am the mgr on duty over
Christmas for the night shifts. Beside I might be alone this year. As Robbie is in Inuvik right now. The military will try to have him home for the holidays but no promises. That's okay though I have had lots of invites for the holidays. It is so nice to know that I have made some very good friends while here in Cold Lake.