Saturday, March 10, 2007

Weekend home:

Well I finally got a weekend to come home and see my boys. Well needless to say it has been a very long two weeks in Edmonton. I arrived on the 25th of Feb. To find out that the St. Albert store where I am working in is not built (ready for renos) yet. On monday show up for work to be told to go back to the hotel till that evening at 10pm. They didn't need us yet. Since we have been there all we have pretty much been doing is stocking shelves. I can do that in Cold Lake but hey they are paying us well. This store is so disorganized it's not funny. The co-manager has the personality of a wet noodle smacked against a wall ( honest you think so to once you met her) and very bad people skills. Maybe one day in the next year this store might be ready for a supercenter.

Well besides just stocking shelves I have met a lot of great people ( Gloria, April, Colin, Ryan and Jeff) they are from all over the place such as Yorkton, Cutknife to Llyodminster. Last week started the bad luck in Edmonton. On thursday night on the way to work I hit a car who was illegally parked. I got a scratch on the bumper of my car. He tried to say that I made over $2000 in damages to his car and demanded cash up front within 1 hour of hitting him. I called my insurance and now I don't have to deal with him anymore.

On Wed morning after we got off work back at the hotel. I noticed that Gloria's car was missing. with about 2 mins of parking my car we found out that some guys truck was stolen and I told the manager make that 2 vehicles. What a way to end a long night. So the EPS were called we were told they were on their way (that was at 7:30am) by 10:45am we decided to go to them since they had not come yet. We then find out that they don't sttend these kinds of things. So my questions is what do we pay them for if they don't come for even a STOLEN vehicle. Went made the statement and went back to the hotel for some shut eye. GUESS what we found in the back of the hotel. YES her car. Called EPS again and again they said they would be right there that was at 12:30pm by the time they got there it was 2:30pm holy cow what a long day. We found a broken shank(knife) multitool with drill bits and cd's in her car. The one cd was called "Life of a THUG" how ironic is that but funny.

On my wasy home yesterday to see my boys. I was stopping in at the Pertocan station about an hour outside Ed for a pitstop. As I start to pull in a mini van comes from out of nowhere and hits the ditch rolls over on its roof and stops lying on the drivers side. wow you should have at least 20 of people run to help here. There were these 2 young guys pulling in behind me. The one guy with in a few leaps and bounds was up on top of the van pulling the door open and got the lady out. Amazing. It turned out that she will be okay but it was kinda scary. I am glad that I made it home in one peice. More to come in 2 weeks. This next two weeks will be better I promise or so I should hope it will be!
talk to you all soon!!!

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