Thursday, March 20, 2008

This pattern is called
"broken dish"

This is the quilt that I was going to make
on the classes that I booked for my holidays.
Didn't get to take the classes since I didn't have a
sewing machine to take the classes.
I did how ever make the time to go learn how to cut fabric properly
so I dont screw it up too much.
That was 3 hours of fun. I ended up with a lot
of small 5" squares
I finally got my sewing machine back!!!
Only after they had it once then they broke it/ lost parts and I sent it back yet again
to be fixed....Then they lost the machine for a week.
And then had the nerve to tell me it was all my fault
( they are lucky they were far from me when they told me that info)
And the worst part is still missing screws!! ughhhhh
DONT sent your stuff back to Sears to get fixed!!
So today I sewed them all together then cut pressed and sewed
some more. I was very nervous to if they would turn out or not
I'd say they look pretty to finish the other 9 before I can go
back to the store for the next set of square making

Quilt # 7
This is just about done
just have to figure out how to put it
together so I can machine quilt
by myself...guess another trip to the
quilt shop.
Hey Mom did you ever think that you'd
hear that come out of my mouth!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

About Robbie:
Well I know you all know Robbie fairly well.
So you know when I say this it is with lots of
He can come up with some REALLY interesting
hairbrained ideas of things to do.
I have a really nice acustic bass guitar.
(sitting gathering dust bunnies)
I even bought that DVD that teaches one to play
I got him one for keyboards too.
Still NO musican there.
Last month while in MJ for a visit. We drove to Regina
to visit with a friend that we have not seen for years.
It was a good visit. We met Bobbie at Chapters.
Opps wrong store to go too. He decided that he now wants to learn
how to "Draw", Okay being the supportive wife that I am
bought him books and supplies for him to learn how to draw.
I am very impressed that tonight he actually picked up his supplies and book
after having them for over a month.
He drew a picture!!!!!!
yeah for Robbie
Below are photos of his 1st drawing
Sorry my 1st pic was a little lite in colour
but the 2nd on I cut the corner out
thus why we have 2 photos
CONGRATS Robbie on your 1st drawing!!

According to Robbie it is called
"Wooly Woo" the dust bunny

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Where did it go??? I just saw it!!

Tonight my mom was making fun of me and wouldnt help me!
She fed me spaghetti for supper. When I grab some noodles.
I flicked my head and a couple of noodles got stuck on my ears.
DO you think that she'd help me get them off my head....NOOOOOOO
she laughed at me when I turned my head to grab one and the other one I could see too
so I tried for that one..back and forth it went....SHE laughed at me and tried
taking photos of it...NOT NICE MOM!!!
thanks for helping Dad get those noodle off my head

Thursday, March 06, 2008

This is quilt #6:

This one I made for Selena...I hope that she likes it. I am signing up for
a quilting class to learn how to do it properly.
looking forward to getting it done.