Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

Hey everyone wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from Robbie, Rocco and myself. Where ever you all are spending this time of year. Hoping that its filled with happy memories and fun times.
Robbie, Rocco and myself decided to drive back to Moose Jaw to have Christmas with the family. We got here about 4 or so. Went to Christmas eve service at my family church. Listened to the girls sing (Mere, Shea and Martha-aka muffin) It was great. Went back to my sister's place for a bit then went to home to crash. Got up this morning to have bacon and eggs it was goooooood.
Headed out to take a look at how MJ has change over the past year. Then off to Paula's again for supper. Spending time with the family. MERRY CHRIST MAS !!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy 8th Anniversary:

Well today is our 8th wedding anniversary. It has been a good day so far. We have been just lazy all day so far. It doesn't help that Robbie has hurt his back last week either. To let you all know what has taken place today we have to go back in time a bit.

Well ever since we have been together, Robbie has always talked the talk of getting a Tattoo and not know what he'd like done. I never believed that he ever would get one done. Considering he for one doesn't like blood, pain and needles for that fact. On Friday during the day he heard a song on the radio playing. It was by the music group "Heart- Dog and butterfly" Not thinking too much about it at the time. But come Sunday morning after watching Rocco and myself sleeping. That is when he decided that is what he wanted done for a Tattoo. Since I love butterflies and he loves that little dog. This is what he suggested. I helped a bit due to the fact that he wanted it in cartoon form. There was no way that I was going to look like a "Bart Simpson Butterfly with a gas can" with the saying "no one would suspect the butterfly" Well needless to say we found a pretty butterfly and added my eyes into the wings. It was great seeing Vern from the "Electric Crayon"
worked his magic yet again. Well Robbie finally did it....he got his 1st TATTOO. Thanks Vern for a great job. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ROBBIE!!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Chinese Christmas Gift Exchange:

Well this was a 1st for us. Robbie and I went to the "Electric Crayon" Christmas Party on Saturday night.
Everyone (almost everyone) dressed up in dresses and suits for the night
We all had a bit to eat drink and laugh. Gracie, Vern, Vern, Charla, and
Jason all looked great as you can see but Jason wouldn't pose for the camera


The best part of the night was the gift exchange. It was fun to see what people got and what was stolen many many times through out the night. It was a toss up for who would get the MP3 Player, i-pod docking station, margarita mix or the ring. Having lost the MP3 Player too many times and other other 3 items just as many times. I ended the night with the wine glasses, candle holder and snow globe. Robbie brought home a DUCK, sling shot and camera. He is very pleased with his DUCK (Our dog is scared of it though). Thanks guys for a great night. Hope that you all come over for Baja Boxing Day

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Decorating for the Holidays:

Well I'd show you some pictures but my digital camera won't download them to my computer. Last Tuesday feeling rather festive I set out to decorate for the holidays. I bought that fake snow for the windows. Made them all look great with lights and all. I then down stairs to get all fun stuff. After what seemed a million and one trips , I finally got started. The christmas tree was the last box up. I set it all out on the couch ,went to find the feet to set it up. NO feet to be found anywhere. So being very sad I set out for Walmart for a new tree. Found a nice "little" tree and came home. Boy oh Boy was it ever a "little" tree even on a stool it looked small I even tower over it. Which doesn't enstill any kind of confidance considering I too am vertically challanged. After being very frustrated I returned to Walmart with the tree in tow and got a tree stand. Finally after 3 very long hours the tree was UP!!! (It was like the 3 stooges in the house decorating and to think it was only me there decorating)

On thursday I had a few friends over to help decorate the tree. Still no pics I cannot get the flash card to even work on another computer. And now the camera won't accept the flash card in it anymore either. HEY SANTA I'd like a new camera for Christmas!!!! Well the tree looks great (thanks Gracie) On Sat night we had a pre-cocktail party at the house for Robbie's work Christmas party. It was fun and a lots of people showed up too. In the end we all ended up back at the house and sat around till 5am sunday morning chatting and having a few cocktails. It was great time. Put me more in the mood for Christmas this year.

Sorry Mom, Dad, and family that we cannot come home this year but our thoughts will be with you! To all our friends and family from Robbie, Rocco and myself , I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year!!! For those of you sticking around Cold Lake you all invited to "Baja Boxing Day" at our place. It's a potluck of leftovers so please feel free to stop by anytime after 4pm Boxing Day (it's also a byob)


Monday, November 27, 2006

So the Addiction continues:
Well it looks like the "Electric Crayon" ( ) rules again. Vern tattooed our friend Randy yesterday. Vern has done a great job as usual. It was rather exciting to watch and listen to the tattoo gun as he worked his magic yet again. The sound of the gun humming away was making me very envious of the work Randy was getting done. I am so looking forward to getting more art done. As long as the butterflies in my cover up are still NOT smiling back at me. The "crack butterflies" are so not going to happen this time around RIGHT VERN!!! Yes Randy if you want to come watch but you'll be bored silly since I'll be having a great nap that day. So those of you who need to fill your addiction to some great art get ahold of Gracie and the gang over at the "Electric Crayon" and she'll hook you up for it.

Monday, November 20, 2006

My B'day!!
Well yesterday was my 35th b'day. Robbie made it a whole weekend party with friends. It started on Friday night at North of 54 (local pub/restaurant) Robbie's boss Randy invited us out for supper for my b'day and he invited a few of the guys from the shop with their wives. It was a good time spent with friends. We ended up at the jr ranks for a few games of pool. On Saturday night we went to BINGO (with Robbie and Randy)and then out with a few of my friends that I have met since we have been in Cold Lake. On Sunday Robbie took me out for breakfast with our friend Toots. In the evening we went to a local pub again and played more pool listened to the Grey Cup (also Robbie and Randy). It too was a great time. Thanks to Robbie and Randy for a great weekend. Mom and Dad it's okay that you forgot it, thanks Paula for reminding them. =) Well at least you all call eventually though. Mom thanks for the great blanket that Rocco now thinks he owns. Carol thanks for the homemade card and money (going to go the new scrapbooking store here to find some fun stuff)

Monday, November 13, 2006


Well the up upgrades to my new little car have started. This past weekend Robbie and I headed into Edmonton. We drove in on Thursday night on not so good roads (about 1 hour east of ED the roads were very very icy). YES the car is dirty but it's highway ick. Well the tinting took about 3 hours to do, so we hung out at the West Ed Mall (Rocco was at the tint shop). While in the city I got my 1st oil change done and it was free!! I guess bringing the shop guys timmys was a good plan ( a few coffees and timbits ). I am hoping to add driving light,new taillights, led lightbar, a magnaflow exhaust and K&N filter oh and fancy smancy spark plugs with wires. We did realize that we NEED better tires for the winter too so guess what I get for CHRISTMAS. So as you can see below the new and improved photo of my little toy.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

1st Big Purchase:

Well I did it!!! I made my very first car purchase without the help of Robbie or my parents. After a lot of talking with Robbie. We decided that it was time I try something new on my own. I did a lot of research and shopping around locally. But in the end went to Edmonton for the final purchase.(saved about $4000 going to the city) The photo to the right is the backend of the car. I purchase a Ford Focus sedan SE 2007. Pitch Black in colour. It a fully loaded SE. (sorry Bruce!!) While seeking out the right deal I met Blaine the salesman at City Ford in Edmonton. After letting him know what I wanted to buy and many many phone calls back and forth. On Monday morning he called with the final #'s I need before it was a done deal. We were to go in to Edmonton on Tuesday to pick up the car but as you all know me. I couldn't wait that long. So we headed there yesterday at noon. Once all the paper work was all complete Blaine handed me the keys to my NEW CAR!!!! wahoooo was I excited now

This is Blaine handing me the key and showing me the car!

I tried to get Robbie to have fun too by driving the car. What a wonderful man he is sharing this with me. It was hard to get him to drive the new car. He kept insisting that its was for me to enjoy. In the end I did get him driving it. I think letting him know what a great CD player the car has did it though. Once behind the wheel. This is pretty much the last time I saw him this close besides the driveway when we got home. I asked him if we was going to wait for me to catch up to him. He asked where I was and I told him look in the rearview mirrors for the yellow dot. Not to my shock did he say that it was not there. Well there you all know who has the lead foot in this family.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hunter's Game Night:

Last night for the 1st in a long time we went to a BINGO. It was a hunters prize bingo night at Club 41 on base. We went with Richard & Mecell Pilon. They arrived here in Cold Lake about a month or so ago. It's good to have good friends from home here living here now.

Robbie was one of the winners of the night. Here he is showing off his toys from the night. It isn't very often that we play bingo or win at these games. So when he won 2 times in a row he was thrilled.

In the spring he'll try for the campers night. So we'll see how his luck holds out then.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Go Shorter or Go Home!!

What is with men these days? I know that I am part of this but what can I say when he (Robbie) asked for it. This afternoon when Robbie came home from work. He told me a story that his boss (Randy) came in with a shiny new haircut. It was very short. Then came in his co-worker (Eric) with his new do even shorter than Randy. Well it was mentioned that Robbie's hair was looking rather shaggy. Do you think he could get any shorter than Randy or Eric? Above is a photo of stage one of Robbie's new do. Well YES it could get shorter. As you can see below this is his new do. NO hair at all. It took me about 40 mins to use a bic razor to clean his prize winning head. What prize you may ask? "Mine's shorter than yours!"

Not sure what it is with men and this kind of game...if you know that answer let me know.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

5 Year Anniversary in Cold Lake:

Well it has been 5 years since we have packed up our lives and moved here to Cold Lake, Alberta. To the right is a current photo of our place. It's not much but right now it's home. When we moved here Robbie worked for 4 years at AETE (Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment). Last summer 05' he was posted to 1 AMS at 4 Wing.

As for myself, I have had a few jobs. I first started at Walmart, then the 4 Wing All Ranks kitchen. Right now I am currently employed by the Northern Alberta Corps of Commissionaries (we work with the Military police Sqn) I have been with them for 2 years now and enjoy my job very much these days.

As for life in Cold Lake, it has been hard at times but for the most part good. We have had friends that were here before we got here and many more that keep moving into the area. Also all the new frinds that we have made since we have been here. It is that keeps life good and also the fact the Edmonton is only a three hour drive from here.

For those of you that don't know that 2 1/2 years ago we had a little addition to the family. He is 4 legged and been a great addition to our lives. His name is Rocco and I am hoping to get him a sister soon or later.

As for the future in Cold Lake. We are planning to be here for at least the next 6 years or so. Looking forward to many more years of good years here.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The 17 Hour Detour :

This is as you enter the Banff National Park. I took Robbie and Rocco on a "small" detour home to Cold Lake. Little did we know how long it would take to get there.

After leaving Moose Jaw and High River we had a small buffet on the front of our car for the wildlife to have a feast on. This was a very large creepy bird having a great feast off our car.

We got slightly lost on our way and were headed into B.C. After leaving Lake Lousie the road signs are not very well marked to go to Jasper.

Isn't this place pretty. This is a place called Baker Creek. ( ) it is very pretty there..thought about spending the night there but the rooms rates are from $215- $310 a night. As Robbie would say "If I could only win the lotto!" As we drove on though we found other nice places simliar but much cheaper ( ) just outside Jasper for $105- $380 per night. As for finding a place for the night it took us 17 hours and a place in Stoney Plaine's Ramada Inn ( 27kms west of Edmonton). Oh yeah if you have a dog PHONE AHEAD to make sure they take pets ( most places DON'T take pets)

I have learned a few things about photography from my Dad. That when you have a great digital camera, anything is possible. I am not as good at taking pictures of flowers as he is but I can crop them to make them look okay. As for our trip home it took is 2 very long days instead of 7 or so hours but you only live once so make the best of it. Have FUN doing it too!!

Mere & Kurt's Wedding
July 14th, 2006

To the right is Mere and Ella (Kurt's neice). Photos are taken in the park.

The happy couple Mere & Kurt

This is Robbie & I at the church just before the wedding. This is a very view of us in a photo together. This pic was taken by Ruby Dilsner.

Summer Holidays 2006:

Our summer holidays this year have not started out so well. To begin our trip, I was very sick with broncitis. We were hoping that it would turn out okay. To the right is a picture of us leaving Alberta and heading towards Moose Jaw. We are going in that direction again this year for the Meredith & Kurt's Wedding. After the wedding we are going to High River, Alberta to meet up with Robbie's mom and sisters. Donna has flown in from Australia for a short visit.
Memorial Carin of 1954's Moose Jaw Air Tragedy:

The above photo is Larry and Bill Hadwen. Their mother
Martha Hadwen was the only person to be killed on the ground
that fateful day on April 8th, 1954. When a CAF Harvard trainer
collided with a Trans-Canada Air-liner passenger plane. There
were 37 people killed on that day. Robbie and I were proud to
be apart of the day that celebrated the lives of these people.

You can go visit "Like a Falling Leaf" at to see more info about the Moose Jaw Air Crash 1954.