Monday, November 20, 2006

My B'day!!
Well yesterday was my 35th b'day. Robbie made it a whole weekend party with friends. It started on Friday night at North of 54 (local pub/restaurant) Robbie's boss Randy invited us out for supper for my b'day and he invited a few of the guys from the shop with their wives. It was a good time spent with friends. We ended up at the jr ranks for a few games of pool. On Saturday night we went to BINGO (with Robbie and Randy)and then out with a few of my friends that I have met since we have been in Cold Lake. On Sunday Robbie took me out for breakfast with our friend Toots. In the evening we went to a local pub again and played more pool listened to the Grey Cup (also Robbie and Randy). It too was a great time. Thanks to Robbie and Randy for a great weekend. Mom and Dad it's okay that you forgot it, thanks Paula for reminding them. =) Well at least you all call eventually though. Mom thanks for the great blanket that Rocco now thinks he owns. Carol thanks for the homemade card and money (going to go the new scrapbooking store here to find some fun stuff)

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