Sunday, April 22, 2007

Weekend in Edmonton:

Well since Robbie's ride decided that he could only take my boys to Edmonton if Rocco rode in the bed of the truck. Robbie decided to stay home this past weekend. I ended up calling his mom and Barb to let them know that we were not coming for a visit. It disappointed them all but not much you can do though.
So in the end he surprized me still by showing up here late friday night here in Edmonton. It was too late to go to Calgary so we stayed here for the weekend. My friend Debra said that anytime we needed a babysitter for Rocco her kids would be glad to have him. Drew her oldest boy took him for the weekend. From what she says they snuggled on the couch for the weeked. Not much has changed from except for the body he snuggles with.
I took Robbie to Montanna cookhouse for supper had him very very scared that he'd be wearing the bulls helmet for his birthday. hehehe!! Then on saturday we stopped at Laptop Depot and he bought me a 2Gb ipod nano for his birthday. Not too bad eh. It all works in the end because I took him to Powerama 2007 (new & classic car show) it was a very very very long show walking around looking at CARS! He took lots of pics so once he gets the developed I'll post a few for you all to see. After we went to his favorite restaurant WENDY'S.
Last night we went to Bingo too with a couple girls that I have met since I have been here in St Albert. We didn' t win but they did though It was a good time had by all.
This morning we went downstairs for brunch which is always good then went out to Morrinville to pick up Rocco. Now my boys are on the highway if not first in the Wendy's drivethru getting his last fix before hitting the highway back to Cold Lake. Robbie I hope that you had a great weekend and that your birthday weekend here was okay. Sorry that we didn't make to to Calgary next time I promise!!!

See you all later (2 more weeks before I get home again)!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Robbie:

This past weekend I went home to Cold Lake yet again. This next 3 weeks will be long though as now I am not allowed to go home till then end of April. This is only due to the fact the this comming weekend my boys are coming here to Edmonton so that I can take them to Calgary/High River for the weekend. Walmart will not pay for that trip since it is on the weekend that I was to go home. I decided to go a week earlier. Anyway, Next week ( of the 26th ) is Robbies 46th birthday. Last year I surprized him by having a weekend in Edmonton with his Mom who's birthday just happens to be the 27th. This year since I am here we are heading down south for the weekend instead. A good meal and an afternoon of BINGO with Barb is just what the birthday boy wants this year.

This weekend I was at home and got some great sleep by sleeping in my own bed for a change was good. I just got back to St. Albert monday afternoon when Robbie called me to get me to make an appointment for the car to be fixed. I called and they had to get an estimate for it first before booking it in. I ended calling him back to have him drive down here that night. I got one more day with him. We got the estimate it was way better than what we thought that it would be though. For someone who stabbed my car with a screwdriver it is only going to cost about 1100 bucks to fix a hole that is as small as a nickel.

I guess Robbie that your going to have a very short week at work this week. a ay and a half eh. Emjoy. See you guys again on friday afternoon

talk to you all soon

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

More Easter:

Wel here are a couple of photos that are from the long weekend. Muffin and my parents came up for the weekend. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since they have been in Cold Lake. In between watching movies, drawing pictures, shopping and playing "guitar heros" on the PS2. She is better at the game than Uncle Robbie but at least he tries.

here she is drawing a picture of "Howie"

and at least the snow was gone enough for her to play outside skipping rope.

talk to you all soon

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter everyone I hope that you all have a great long weekend. I am at home yet again. Hard to believe that yet another 2 weeks have passed by this fast. This long weekend my mom, dad and muffin are coming up here for a short visit. I was sad to hear that muffin is a bit under the weather though. It is hard to believe that a year has gone by since they have last been here to Cold Lake for a visit.

I am writing this blog on my new Dell ( ) laptop. I even bought a Montreal Canadiens skin for it. Dad this laptop had better stay here and yours had better go home with you. I am looking forward to taking this back to Edmonton with me. At lest I will be able to chat and get emails with it. The hotel has free internet services for me when I get back. I am hoping that Robbie will let me out of he house with it though. Last night we got it all hooked up to the internet . He spent a few LONG hours on it having fun.

Well I went to talk with the new store manager her in Cold Lake (Walmart) To find out how long I will be staying in Edmonton. It sounds like I will be there till at least the end of May. He wants me to come back to the store for inventory and then possibly back to Edmonton. When asked where I want to go with the company I told him assistant manager. He told me that he would like me to go to school in Calgary for a bit. Told him that was good with me. So in the next year or so we shall see how things are going there.

Well since I have bored you all to death I'll stop for now. I will try and get photo's on here for the next one. I need to download the program and get my camera. Which this dumb girl left at the hotel this weekend....really smart eh

Ciao for now have a great long weekend