Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Life is GOOD:

Well I have to make a confession to why life is GOOD. When I came home from living in St. Albert And i got my new job position. Things were very good and still getting better so i had an idea. Since I had lost a lot of weight and feeling good I thought that I'd be "smart" and stop taking my meds. Well it worked for awhile. Then I got the flu and got stressed out about a lot of things. Needless to say things didn't go so well after awile. Anyway to makw a long story short my blood sugars went to hell in a hand basket. I DO though have them under control right now. Well it effected my eye sight something bad. Now that it is under control again I went to the eye doc yesterday. Got heck from him when I told what happened. I thankfull did NOT do any kind of damage to my eyes and now I have to go see him every year.

Like I said life is GOOD

I promise that I won't do this again

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