Thursday, December 18, 2008

Photo Contest Reply:
Today 18Dec 2008 I came home early from work. As usual I check my email and facebook.
While waiting for my email to load I check my facebook.
Then I checked my email and there were a lot there
As I was going thru deleting all the junk. I saw the start of an email and it went like this
"Congratulations Chantal!"
All I could think was "what is this junk"
then I kept reading it only to discover...a great way to end a day
So this is what the rest of the email said:
Congratulations Chantal!Your photo has been selected as the winner in the Four Seasons category!Your photo will appear in the 2009 edition of the Cold Lake Community Guide.Your photo will also be printed, framed, and presented to you!We will contact you after the Christmas Holidays to make arrangements forthe presentation!Thank you for participating!
Wow what a great way to end a crappy day of those very "chistmas spirited" people who make your day pleasant...(NOT likey)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lets get to know each other better:

All of the things I have done are in bold. We might just have some things in common.
50Things To Do

1. Start Your Own Blog
2. Sleep Under The Stars
3. Play an insturment in a School Band
.(clarinet and I hated it.)
4. Visit Hawaii
5.Watch a Meteor Shower
6. Give more than you can afford to a charity.
7. Go to Disneyland
8. Climb a Mountain
(9. Held a praying Mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee Jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lighting storm at sea
14. Teach yourself and art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Gone to top of Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. See the Mona Lisa
20. Sleep on an overnight train
21. Pillow fight
22. Hitch hike
(Shhhh. Don't tell my mom!)
23. Take a sick day when you're not sick
(Shhhh. Don't tell )
24. Build a snow fort
25. Hold a lamb
26. Go skinny dipping
27. Run a marathon
28. Ride a gondola in Venice
29. See a total eclipse
30. Watch sunrise & set
31. Hit a home run
32. Go on a cruise
33. See Niagara Falls
34. Visit the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Visit an Amish community
36. Learn a new language
37. Have enough money to be Satisfied
38. See the Leaning Tower of Pisa
39. Go rock climbing
40. See Michelangelos's "David"
41. Sing Karaoke
42. See the Old Faithful geyser Erupt
43. Buy a stranger a meal
44. Visit Africa
45. Walk on a beach in the moonlight
46. Be transported in an Ambulance
47. Have your portrait painted
48. Go deep sea fishing.
49. See the Sistine Chapel
50. See the Eiffel Tower.

Monday, November 17, 2008

this is my 1st try at using
a macro x4 filter
yes its just a filter that you put on the lens
as I cannot afford to buy a macro lens
but it works really sweet

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This past week:
As everyone knows what happened in the US last week with the election. Things in the world amaze me. Well this is why i bring this up. As I cruise thru my friends blogs. I came across this quote. Thanks to Kristy this has been on my mind a lot and it makes me wonder what or where our futures will lead us. This is the quote:

Rosa sat so Martin could walk.
Martin walked so Obama could run.
Obama is running so our children CAN FLY.

It makes me think of all the possiblities in life....looking from where things were to where they are now. I think of what this new generation will achieve in their lives.... Muffin Marlee and Kail how they will be able to change this much more that I can do to help change this world....makes me want to do more starting by one small random act of kindness to some who needs help....anyone have more ideas of things to do???

Friday, August 29, 2008

Robbie's new Toy:

Well today Robbie finally picked up his new toy a
'08 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 4x4
He's very happy!!

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our last road trip we went west. The road took us to Westlock Ab.
We thought that we'd go see where they make Leaman trikes.
Once we got there we found out they are now being
made in the USA.
Since we were that far west we thought that we'd check out
Mayerthorpe Ab.
This is near where the 4 Mountie were killed. They have recently
put up an memorial for them there.
It was a very sombering to be standing there knowing that
these men and many others have lost their lives
protecting ours.
What a great country that we live in.
To know the freedoms that we have
in life and that we are being protected by these
hounourable men and women.
(the police services and the military members)

Monday, August 04, 2008

The New Photographer:

Well Ladies and Gentlemen....I just thought that I'd post a few photos that I am learning to take with the new camera the Robbie bought me....there are a ton of things to learn with this camera..I got a Nikon D-60 a few weeks back....I think have take about 600 photos already...just having a hoot taking photos...I hope that one day I'll be able to take as good of photos as my dad.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


This is a photo from my new camera that Robbie bought for me this weekend in Moose Jaw. It is a Nikon D60. It is a smaller version of what my Dad has for his camera. But as you can see I can now take photos like he does with his camera. This flower is one of many that are in my Mom's flower gardern.
One day my photos will be a great as his I hope
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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rock Band
Well he finally got it and he's very happy now!
Thump Thump ThumpThump
it's driving me crazy but I know that he's happy
so I guess that all that counts eh!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Road trip to the Mnts:
This is where we stopped for a picnic supper with Robbie's Mom
It was very beautiful scenery
Robbie took this photo above...on the side of the highway
This is the most recent photo of our little family!

Visiting With Robbie's Mom

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Baby Kail's Blankie:
This photo above is the start of Kail's blankie from auntie.
It doesn't look like much and I wondered if it would turn out.
After spend a couple hours sewing it together and then
A couple of hours clipping it. My hands were very tired and sore.
Still not sure if it would turn out.

The above photo is the end result of the 2 hours of clipping shaking out

and washing. Turned out the way it was supposed too.

I liked making this one. It was easy!!

Ready to make another one soon.

This the close up of what it looks like...I use "Peter Rabbit" flannel


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Drink of Choice:
This morning when I came home from work. Robbie asked if
I would go get an "Energy Drink" for him.
Knowing that he was going for his PT test this morning.
I wondered why he was wanting a drink like this
but thought that maybe he REALLY wanted to pass!

This is the drink that I bought him. Once I returned home with it.
The look on his face was of shock. Then he asked me
"What are you trying to do Kill me? That drink will make my heart race too fast.. I'm old"
And he was very serious about it.
Well I kinda wondered why he wanted this drink.
He then tells me that he wanted a gatorade or power aid drink
like the one below.

We then went back to the store to get a drink but they didn't have anymore
so he ended up with stawberry flavored water.
So once I left him at the gym.. I went to 7-11 to get him
the "energy drink" that he wanted in the 1st place.
Well in my defense I just got home from a very long NIGHT at work.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Things that one needs when they get Older:
ohhhh alright when one gets injured these are a few things that you need for living
this fancy dancy $80 full lumber support back rest so
one can sit right in the house or car

this wonderful contraption on my butt is called an SI support belt.

it makes sure that my hips stay in place so that I dont

injure my lower back anymore than it is right now. it makes my

flat butt even flater (nice eh)

this nice peice of kit helps me pick up things that are on the floor

that i cannot reach so well

just thought i'd show another photo of my wonderful BUTT BELT

yeah isnt life exciting ***NOT***

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Happy 47th B'day
Happy 47th B'day Robbie.. Hope that you had a good day
Take a look at this way cool cake

Ice cream cake from DQ

Yes this is correct. For the great price of $1000 firm for the canopy.
you get a free truck.

These are a few photos of the truck from all good views. The truck was purchased a few years ago. We spent $5600 on it when the mechanics said that it was good. We ended up spending all together $12000 We are not willing to spend anymore money on her. Right now she is slipping in reverse. I have taken a few steps to see if it will be corrected. We have changed the tranny fluid, shuttle valve, did another flush and this time added Lukas tranny fluid. She does go in reverse but very slowly.
THUS selling the canopy and giving the truck away for free with purchase of canopy

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Next part of my quilt:
this is called "a block with in block"

not sure how they say that this is a beginners quilt.
this part is very very hard to do now
its going to take me a long time to do

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Things change Fast:

After a couple days of pounding constantly this is just about done
they finally got he house across the street on rails

At the end of today they got the wheels on it for moving

hopefull tomorrow they will have it out of there

Monday, April 14, 2008

Making new friends
What is this? I have never seen one of these before.
Maybe we'll be friends!

sniff sniff...could happen!! sniff sniff
Okay maybe not... that thing has sharp feet!!

In this last photo I just missed the cat taking a couple

swipes at Rocco

Thursday, March 20, 2008

This pattern is called
"broken dish"

This is the quilt that I was going to make
on the classes that I booked for my holidays.
Didn't get to take the classes since I didn't have a
sewing machine to take the classes.
I did how ever make the time to go learn how to cut fabric properly
so I dont screw it up too much.
That was 3 hours of fun. I ended up with a lot
of small 5" squares
I finally got my sewing machine back!!!
Only after they had it once then they broke it/ lost parts and I sent it back yet again
to be fixed....Then they lost the machine for a week.
And then had the nerve to tell me it was all my fault
( they are lucky they were far from me when they told me that info)
And the worst part is still missing screws!! ughhhhh
DONT sent your stuff back to Sears to get fixed!!
So today I sewed them all together then cut pressed and sewed
some more. I was very nervous to if they would turn out or not
I'd say they look pretty to finish the other 9 before I can go
back to the store for the next set of square making

Quilt # 7
This is just about done
just have to figure out how to put it
together so I can machine quilt
by myself...guess another trip to the
quilt shop.
Hey Mom did you ever think that you'd
hear that come out of my mouth!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

About Robbie:
Well I know you all know Robbie fairly well.
So you know when I say this it is with lots of
He can come up with some REALLY interesting
hairbrained ideas of things to do.
I have a really nice acustic bass guitar.
(sitting gathering dust bunnies)
I even bought that DVD that teaches one to play
I got him one for keyboards too.
Still NO musican there.
Last month while in MJ for a visit. We drove to Regina
to visit with a friend that we have not seen for years.
It was a good visit. We met Bobbie at Chapters.
Opps wrong store to go too. He decided that he now wants to learn
how to "Draw", Okay being the supportive wife that I am
bought him books and supplies for him to learn how to draw.
I am very impressed that tonight he actually picked up his supplies and book
after having them for over a month.
He drew a picture!!!!!!
yeah for Robbie
Below are photos of his 1st drawing
Sorry my 1st pic was a little lite in colour
but the 2nd on I cut the corner out
thus why we have 2 photos
CONGRATS Robbie on your 1st drawing!!

According to Robbie it is called
"Wooly Woo" the dust bunny

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Where did it go??? I just saw it!!

Tonight my mom was making fun of me and wouldnt help me!
She fed me spaghetti for supper. When I grab some noodles.
I flicked my head and a couple of noodles got stuck on my ears.
DO you think that she'd help me get them off my head....NOOOOOOO
she laughed at me when I turned my head to grab one and the other one I could see too
so I tried for that one..back and forth it went....SHE laughed at me and tried
taking photos of it...NOT NICE MOM!!!
thanks for helping Dad get those noodle off my head